
"From the beginning it was obvious to me that Agnes had clarity of vision and exceptional originality in her style of filmmaking and story telling, which is so hard to fnd in the industry. As I started work on her project as her Composer, Agnes allowed me the creative freedom as well as facilitated me to explore my craft in new ways which I had never done before. As a result of our collaboration I was honoured with an APRA AMCOS Screen Music Award - a national award that acknowledges excellence and innovation in the field of screen composition. I would like to emphasise that Agnes Peel-McGregor is the sort of “dream director” any composer could wish for!".
Me-Lee Hay
Sydney based Music Composer on Film, TV and Theatre
Vice-President of AGSC - the Australian Guild of Screen Composers
"What surprised me most about working with Agnes was how in-tune she was with the visual language of cinema, and how best to leverage it to telling a great story. This is a rare talent in the field of directing; one that very few directors possess. Agnes has repeatedly shown an extraordinary ability to craft films through well-guided direction of cast, cohesive and thought-out direction of the story, and leveraging the visual language of cinema. In the eight years that I have been privileged to know Agnes, she has amassed more critical acclaim than most directors and screenwriters that I work with on a day-to-day basis. For some people, these skills are the culmination of decades of honing one’s craft in the industry. For Agnes, however, these skills and abilities come naturally".

Christopher Reig
Sydney based Post-Production and Visual Effects Supervisor; Workflow Consultant
Worked on The Invisible Man, Peter Rabbit, The Dressmaker and The Wolverine

Jeff Amaral
"In 2011, I was the leader of a team of only 5 American motion picture artists permitted to live and work in Australia to help create a big screen adaptation of THE GREAT GATSBY. Agnes was one of the first people I met after I started work there. After speaking with Agnes for just a few minutes, I was immediately impressed. Agnes’ exceptional aptitude, ability, and passion for writing and directing motion pictures were readily apparent to all of the established professionals in attendance. This made it clear to me that Agnes Peel-McGregor was a uniquely talented young woman, and was destined to become a world class artist.
Over the course of the last 9 years, it has been a pleasure for me to witness firsthand Agnes’ tremendous dedication to filmmaking and the relentless perfection of her craft. I have watched her grow as a motion picture artist from her visually stunning and evocative film SUPPRESSION, through her award winning films MILKMAID and LAST TREE STANDING.
I have never met anyone else that brings more talent to the day-to-day work of directing motion pictures, and the sustained passion to produce her projects from script to screen. Agnes is a rare and extraordinary filmmaker with a unique point of view and we desperately need more people like her - with a global point of view to actively contribute to our world class film industry".
L.A. based 3D producer and camera engineer
Worked on The Great Gatsby, X-Men,The Amazing Spider-Man, Batman v Superman.
"I was first introduced to Agnes through a recommendation from the Polish Film Institute. After some initial remote communications with her, I was immediately impressed by her vision and the scope of the story she was wanIng to tell. I quickly scheduled a flight from Poland to the United States so I could meet with her in person. After the meeting, I was very keen to invest in her project. This was only shortly before she was about to go into production, so I was able to see her work on set firsthand. The relationship she had with her crew and actors was incredibly inspiring. She created an atmosphere of collaboration, where everyone was vested in the story she was telling and gave their absolute all everyday so the film could be the very best it could be.
Poland as a country has produced some of the most renowned filmmakers in the world over the last century. I believe Agnes to be another which will join their ranks. She is a multifaceted filmmaker possessing immense skills in directing, writing and editing and this has been validated by the multitude of festivals and judges from all over the world that have awarded her for her work. I think she has an incredible ability to tell universal stories in completely unique ways which are specific to her and I believe puts her amongst that very small group of Directors we can call Auteurs. I very much look forward to her new projects in which I would love to be involved".

Pawel Sosnowski
Warsaw based Producer; HeadHunters Film Executive Director
Worked on Performer, Marek Edelman - Love in Ghetto, Women's Day

"Agnes's work displays a unique poetic sensibility, guided by a good, strong creative instinct at both the writing and directing. She draws on a deep well of personal experience and stories to serve her writing choices, and also has a distinct way of expressing them in images. This is coupled with a strong and enquiring intelligence".
Ben Ferris
Berlin based Film Writer and Director;
Founder of the Sydney Film School
Agnes is every actor's dream director. Her attention to detail, commitment, clarity of vision and passion are inspiring. She has the gift of being able to see beyond the words on a page, so you can explore your character with freedom and confidence knowing you have a director by your side who has the wisdom and integrity to bring out your best performance".

Margareta Moir
Sydney based actress on Films, TVC's and Plays;
Worked on Agnes's play Walking Shadow